Day 1 program – Tuesday, October 5th 2021

10:15 – 10:30
(BST Time Zone)

Welcome Speech

Chris Green

Footprint Digital

Marine Pacotte


10:30 – 11:20
(BST Time Zone)

The SERPs Whisperer – Chris Green Conference

SEOs are often great at over-complicating things, but the biggest and most under-used SEO tool is right under our noses. In his talk, Chris will help you understand how to read search intent from SERPs and why this is essential to ensure your SEO and content marketing campaigns are delivering what users (and search engines) want.

Chris Green

Footprint Digital

11:30 – 12:20
(BST Time Zone)

Content in the age of AI : a content tsunami is coming, how to stand out and capture your audience’s attention ? – Semji Conference 

AI is not just a trendy topic. It’s happening now and revolutionising the way you create content. Very soon, any business will be able to speed-up production and deliver high-volume content. This accelerates competitions. To stand out, the challenge will be to add even more value to win the attention from Google and Internet users. The more quality content you can produce, the more attention you can scoop up. Through this platform, Semji will show you how to fully benefit from AI to capture your audience’s attention, and above all, obtain results.

Bertrand Girin


Olivier Balais



13:30 – 14:20
(BST Time Zone)

Effective keyword research without search volume – Mark Williams-Cook Conference

With algorithm changes such as BERT and passage indexing, the question « what’s the search volume? » is fast becoming redundant. In this talk, we’ll explore the techniques and logic behind « volumeless » keyword research and why it is so effective.

Mark Williams-Cook


14:30- 15:20
(BST Time Zone)

The Essential Guide to Creating Killer Content – Growth Tribe conference

These days we’re surrounded by more content than ever before. How do we ensure we’re not shouting into the void? Content is the beating heart of marketing and can be used in many creative, attention-grabbing ways. From the first headline to emails to landing pages and much much more, content takes many shapes and sizes. Great content marketing creates value for the customer and for the business! Join growth expert, Tarek Reslan who’ll guide you through the fundamentals of great content marketing.



Growth Tribe

15:30 – 16:20
(BST Time Zone)

Unlock 10x growth with Product Led SEO – Eli Schwartz Conference

Discover why everyone’s way of doing SEO might not be the best way to grow search traffic with triple digit growth. Instead learn how to focus search efforts and how to unlock the growth that will impress clients, bosses and yourself.

Eli Schwartz


16:30- 17:20
(BST Time Zone)

Micro-SEO Campaigns – It’s the (New) Name of the Game – Chris Raulf Conference

Naturally, we want to fully optimize a website, but it could take months (if not years) to get there. Especially for newer websites, going the Micro-SEO strategy route is the way to go. In his session, Chris will discuss what a Micro-SEO strategy is, showcase examples, and teach you how to put this strategy to work for you (or your clients) too.

Chris Raulf

SE Ranking

Day 2 program – Wednesday, October 6th 2021

10:15 – 10:30
(BST Time Zone)

Welcome Speech

Gerry White

Rise at Seven

Marine Pacotte


10:30 – 11:20
(BST Time Zone)

The state of the web – the cocktail of JavaScript and SEO ? – Gerry White Conference

In 2021 increasingly more and more of the web is made up of webpages built with JavaScript, single page apps, progressive web apps, rendering and more are the big questions of the day. Can Google and other search engines see your JavaScript, can they follow your links and what about Facebook, Twitter and other sources such as Slack. Gerry will discuss and share questions to many popular answers including the biggest problems developers and marketers struggle with when developing websites with JavaScript.

Gerry White

Rise at Seven

11:30 – 12:20
(BST Time Zone)

 Go Global — Think Local: what you really need to know to entry or grow a new market when it comes to International SEO – Semrush Conference

Join us to learn how international SEO can make or break your business growth plans. Where do you start, what research do you need to do, what technical SEO elements drive results and how to build a successful content strategy.

Aoife Mcilraith



13:30 – 14:20
(BST Time Zone)

Your Brand SERP on Google is the most important KPI you never looked at – Jason Barnard Conference

How to create a coherent and effective digital strategy using your Brand SERP.
What your audience sees when they google your brand name is one of the most important KPI you never looked at properly. A Brand SERP that is relevant and engaging for your audience is fundamental to your business on every level. But you have probably never paid it much attention. With real case studies, Jason will show you how to read your Brand SERP and use that to drive a successful digital strategy.



14:30 – 15:20
(BST Time Zone)

Prioritizing content for better SEO results: an advanced framework for decision-making – Semji & Mailbird Conference

How do you know which content to prioritize to win at SEO? In this session, Cécilien Dambon, Head of SEO at Mailbird, and Corentin Mirande, SEO & Content Expert at Semji, will go over efficient ways to evaluate your current positioning on the SERPs and how this can help you develop a robust content strategy.)

Corentin Mirande


Cécilien Dambon


15:30 – 16:20
(BST Time Zone)

Why you have been thinking E-A-T all wrong – Lily Ray Conference

We all know that the Google algorithm updates continually. Lily will break down what you need to know regarding E-A-T, what Google is asking for, and any recent changes you should be aware of.
Lily will offer insights based on years of experience and will show you how E-A-T currently plays into Google’s algorithm, and how that impacts websites they have maintained. Learn practical tips to enhance E-A-T compliance for both small and large websites and brands.

Lily Ray

Amsive Digital

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